15 June, 2011

Day 11: What's in my make up bag?

Isn't make up amazing?
I might not have any self-esteem if it didn't exist.
A lot of make up looks disgusting, but I like to cover my zits and make my eyes stand out.
I get bored of doing the same thing, so my make upchanges, but here are my basics. (And the beautiful thing is they can all be found at classy ol' wal-mart).

My eyelashes are super-long, but not way thick. The only mascara that warms my heart and works perfectly every time: Cover Girl Lash Blast. I can't tell you how awesome this stuff is.

I feel like I shouldn't have to use this stuff anymore, but apparently some people still get zits long after high schoolgraduation. I even hate the words "zit" and "pimple." The CG concealer stick keeps them covered all day.

Physician's Formula loose mineral powder may be the best thing that has ever happened to my skin. And it lasts forever.

This is what changes most often. From not wearing any to wearing multiple kinds at a time.
My favorite stick eyeliner is just the wet n' wild. I love it. For liquid, I love the kind that is like a felt tip marker. I know it's cheating, but I don't want to get too much on and look like Katy Perry.

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