15 June, 2011

Day 10 Favorite Place(s) to eat

I like food. A lot. I was a picky little brat when I was younger.
Now can't think of any food I won't try.

My number one meal by far was the feast our branch made us in the Philippines.
Fresh fish, crab, basically seafood of every kind, chicken, steamed vegetables, rice, awesome sauces, eating with our hands straight off of a banana leaf. It was amazing. Not to mention they were literally putting the food into my mouth. (awkward? indeed.). The only fish I had really eaten before living there was canned tuna fish. Now that is the only fish I avoid eating. Most things I ate there were the best meals ever made. Man I miss that place.
After being converted to the Asian lyfe, my new favorites are PF Changs and Ninja. I love sushi. I love most asian things.
I really don't eat out very often, but in Cedar City, Pastry Pub, Costa Vida and Lupitas are usually the winners.

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