29 February, 2012

Race Day: A creepers dream

People-watching is favorite hobby of mine.  I don't think very many people realize that races are the perfect place for that.  Airports, malls, and restaurants are fine, but they don't even compare.  You are bound to be entertained and usually inspired.  There is such a variety of people running and supporting.  Several people have told me it's weird that I run these races alone, but I actually love it.  People-watching by yourself is so much better.  You aren't distracted.  I was so intimidated to run my first half marathon because I pictured myself trailing behind a million elite runners.  That is not the case, my friends.  There are people who have been running years and this is NBD for them.  There are others who have worked their tails off to go from couch potato to finishing this race.  (Very cool).  And then there are all all sorts of people in between. 

Here a few of my favorites:

Primpers:  The girls who obviously woke up extra early to put on their make up and poof their hair.  I threw some mascara on in the car, but really?  Don't even get me started on the "running skirts."  Maybe when I'm 39....

The costume crew:  I will take almost any excuse to dress in a weird outfit, but I don't really feel that while running 13.1 miles.  There are costumes that are cute and fun and yet easy to run in.  I just don't understand the extreme fur-covered people or the man whose cape was so long it dragged on the ground behind him.  Too much.

The oldies:  These people inspire me.  I hope that when I'm 60 I am in good enough shape to run that far.  I don't care if it takes me 4 hours.  

The walk, run, repeat peeps:
It's great that they do this, but it just makes me feel awkward.  The people who sprint past you and smirk at you like "haha suckah" and then stop to walk 20 feet later as you pass them with your slow jog.  You know it's only a matter of time before they do it again. 

The girls who run with their hair down:
why?  Do you need a hair tie?  I will give you the extra one on my wrist.

and my personal favorite/most hated....

The girl who ran with her arms straight the entire time:
The arm girl and I kept passing each other and then trading spots.  She never bent her arms like a normal runner, they were dangling at her sides.  It looked so awkward and it made me so mad to be behind her.  I tried to sympathize thinking her arms couldn't bend for some reason.  Nope, they could.  She occasionally would bend them for 20 seconds and then shake them out and them them flop around like she had no control over them. 

A very attractive photo captured by Jill. 

Between the two of us, we creeped a load of pictures from before, during, and after the race. 
(I only had my phone because the mapmyrun app is the best running companion after my ipod).
I feel like a little jerk posting the pictures of other people, but I think I have one from every category. 

Sorry that I am too busy taking pictures and laughing to be a serious runner. 

All credit for this picture goes to Jill Decker.

Oh well.  I am on running probation for the next few weeks because my knees are messed.  They didn't bug me at all during the race, but the weeks before and every run after have been bad.  I have a sexy knee brace to run in, but it will have to wait a while.  Who knows if I will be able to do my marathon, but I would probably be just as happy watching.


Annie G said...


D Bulloch said...

I was the girl with my arms down