24 January, 2012

such a baby

Sometimes I get discouraged training for a marathon with my little mystery disease.  The voice inside my head gets all whiney when I'm too sick to work out for a day or two.  Being in my bed for a long time, but not being able to sleep makes me quite bored and mopey.  Lately "Tumblr-ing" (with Gilmore in the background, of course) has become my medication. It's kinda pathetic.  I lie in bed looking at inspirational running pictures and quotes while I wallow about not being able to run.  Then I see stuff like this:

Yep.  I feel like a little baby princess who needs to suck it up.  I would rather have a few sick days than go everyday without a limb or two.  I get all mushy and grateful that I have a body and that I am not nearly as sick as I used to be.  Bodies really are amazing though, right?  amiright?

But back to my training schedule... look how pretty she is.  It's nerdy, but it motivates me to see what is coming up and being able to cross work outs off the calendar.  Judge away.
Note:  I HATE white tennis shoes.  I also think Asics are among the uglier running shoes out there.  But these are amazing.  Definitely worth the comfort/goodness to not have my sexy Nikes.  Plus these are growing on me. 

I'm just excited for my Cinco de Mayo Marathon.

1 comment:

Jill said...

I love everything about this. Especially those shoes...mmmm....