15 September, 2011

I bet my day was creepier than yours.

When I went to bed last night I was so excited for today.
My 3 hour class was cancelled and I didn't have to work.
I was gonna sleep in, go running, shower, craft, and play with Joe when he got home.
A chill, perfect day.
Instead I met a man who told me he was Jesus Christ and that he would heal me.
Then he stared at a wall while mumbling numbers and who knows what else.
He asked if he could heal me and when I hesitated, he just did it without touching me.
He told me I would be healed in 5 weeks.
Apparently he has been in pain for 60 years, but he has healed the whole world.
He had a business card that was a real gem.

It was just his name, phone number, and the following points:

  • Jesus Christ
  • Dowzer
  • Healing
  • Ghost Buster
  • Gods Computer
  • Posititve Love & Light of this World
  • Celestial
  • Single 
  • Dancer
  • Teacher
I was so happy when my dad realized what was happening and got me out of there.  But it's nice to know that he can heal me AND he's single.  Just what I like. 
Then my dad told me he made an appointment with a Dr. who has helped him a lot with his allergy problems and thinks he can help with my mystery disease.  My dad told me his methods were interesting, but just to give it a try...

Let's just say he figured out by reading my muscle energies that I have issues with my abandonment, fear, and crying energies.  I don't really know what that means and he said it doesn't matter.  He "purged" them from my body. It was super creepy, but when I looked over at Joey he was happily facebooking on my phone.  
Am I going crazy or is everyone else in the world?  

I plan on not talking to anyone tomorrow.  Stranger danger is real.


Kristen said...

Hahahahaha! Wow that IS a creepy day

Jill said...

What the??? Dads doctor purged you? hahaha

Annie G said...

Who you gonna call? Ghost Busters! or his real name, or I guess he goes by Jesus as well.

Sorry about the abandonment and fear issues... :] haha