23 July, 2011


maybe my sister finally found my copy of "a lot like love" that she lost 2 years ago.

maybe I'm really happy to be watching it.

maybe I'm too addicted to facebook and pinterest.

maybe I really really love working at turn.  

maybe I know my calling in life and I like it.

maybe my body just needs to suck it so I can fulfill that calling.

maybe running is usually the first thing I want to do when my body calms down.  

maybe I feel a little bit bad that I sometimes choose that over hanging out. 

maybe I just need to run a marathon, a triathlon, and a sweet mud run so I can stop talking about it. 

maybe my family has flaws, but they're kinda rad. 

maybe joey makes me happier than any other human being.

maybe all people like him are angels that make this world so much greater.

maybe I actually enjoy cooking.  yum.

maybe my crush on Matthew McConaughey is still going strong. (that makes 10 years-it's serious.)

maybe I could sew and make art projects everyday for the rest of my life and not get sick of it. 

maybe I love planning my wedding colors in my head, but I really want to elope.

maybe my mom gave me her "blessing" with the elopement idea.

maybe I am not even in love so I don't really need to plan that yet. 

maybe I still get homesick for the Philippines.  

maybe I think everyday about how lucky I was to go there. 

maybe a new favorite color and song pops into my head everyday.

maybe I like green and orange right now.

maybe I dyed my hair today.

maybe I rarely straighten my hair these days.  waste of time.

maybe the temple is the most peaceful place in the world and I want to go there everyday.

maybe the realization that CC is the quirkiest little town ever is just dawning on me. 

maybe I like it.

maybe I am the furthest thing from a "morning person" you can possibly be.  night always wins.

maybe a lot of people have been annoyed at my obsessive picture-snapping habit. 

maybe I can't make myself say something that isn't sincere.  trust me.  Sometimes I hate it, but I guess you know I mean what I say.

maybe I eat too much chocolate and too many otter pops.

maybe sometimes I want to be a real hippie. but I would shower and stuff.

maybe I believe you can find beauty in everything. 

maybe I would rather get a bouquet of rsvp (fine) pens than a bouquet of flowers.

maybe imma pretend that isn't as nerdy as it is.  

maybe I always want to wear skirts, but I never want to shave my legs. 

maybe clutter usually follows me, but I am such a germ freak.

maybe I have the nicest friends ever. 

maybe joey gave me my new favorite nick name: "fit girl." hahahaha

maybe this is really long. 

mk bye... maybe.


Annie G said...

maybe I'm really happy that we are friends and that we are roommates right now and maybe you're a really good person and influence and have helped me with my life, a lot. and maybe I'm grateful for you and your friendship :] maybe I'm feeling mushy right now

Unknown said...

Maybe you're full of WP and I'm obsessed with you, mostly because I admire you.

Jill said...

maybe you're the coolest "fit girl" in the world. maybe you're the best sister.

for realz, i love you.