29 July, 2011

July of my 23rd year

sammy boy rocked the crutches.
These guys had some great chats.  (as shown above)

 yay for our bday. 
 middle parts.  *shudder*
byke klub had a bash for me and Laura.  Fireworks included. 
 daddio made me pancakes. yum.
 Our otter pops were replenished plus some candies.
 Joey D woke me up way too early, but I liked it.
(I know that I look fly here)
 Jilly made me "better than sex cake."  I ate most of it. Not joking. 
 I played with these folks in St G.

It is really convenient that Laura's bday is on July 10th and mine is on the 12th.  
We clearly needed to celebrate on the 11th.
Happy July. 


Jordan said...

So, I am sitting in the BYU Library. I turned to my friend and said... "I should have been there... Jill made better than sex cake... Enna ate most of it..."
He answered: "Wow! Enna must be desperate for some!"

How true...

Laura Eve said...

i love this. and i loved our july 11th. it was good.

Enna said...

too true jor. good thang I got some... :]

Laura: it was a real treat to celebrate w/ you, gurl.