03 April, 2012

Roadtrip success

On the drive up to Salt Lake last weekend, all I could do was wish I was moving there.  I can hardly wait one more month.  The greatness of last weekend made me so much more excited. 

I went up on Thursday so I could see Trentlie.  We got some froyo and he introduced me to the Mary Tyler Moore show.  Then we stayed up talking and somehow got to the subject of serial killers.  Of course I had nightmares.  But I'm pretty sure I brought it up.  I'm also pretty sure it was worth it to have some Trent-time.

Philippines Naga Mission reunion was on Friday night.  I can't even describe how happy I was to see everyone.  My companions live in Austrailia and the Philippines, but I still wanted to see everyone else.  I finally got to see my mission president and his wife and my lovelyMTC district and my favorite senior couple.  I forgot my camera, but here are some gems from 2009. 

To say that I love my MTC district would be a huge understatement.  I don't think I've ever been closer to such a random group of people so quickly.  I will always be grateful that we were together during our 2 months there.   

The six of us who went to Naga.

Brother and Sister Lambson stayed with me in the creepy hospital over there and made me laugh.  They came all the way from Wyoming.  I just love them.  I now have a goal to get a decent picure with them. 

Jordana and I had lunch with Simon and then played with some of the French Club.  (always a good time.  I pull out the 3 french phrases that I know and pretend to fit in).

We stayed at her old roommates house and woke up to watch conference.  Her roommates family is super nice and had their house open to anyone who needed a place to stay for conference weekend.  They fed us and took care of us. They told us they had tickets for everyone for that afternoon session.  We hurried and got ready and when we got there we realized we had row 3 tickets.  It was AWESOME.  Then fifteen minutes into the meeting Sister Reeves got called to the General Relief Society presidency.  We all just stared at each other for a minute because we had no idea when we ate lunch with her and hour before.  She had kept it a secret from her family for several weeks.  Just from being in their home for that short of a time and briefly talking to her, I am not at all surprised.  We then realized why we had such good tickets.  I will never forget that day- it was so funny.  And the talks were incredible.  I needed to hear everything so much.  The conference issue of the Ensign always gets worn to threads when I get it.  Can't wait.

I was planning to go to a baby shower from one of my favorite Ohio friends, but missed it because I was stranded in SLC and my car was in Orem.  But... happiest of all happy things... I will live close to them in one month! 

I made 6 cds for the drive and also fixed my (jors) ipod hook-up.  Let's just say I do not mind driving a few hours solo.  There are few things I love more than belting it out in my car.

Great road trip.  I love northern UT and I love seeing people that I love.

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