12 April, 2012

I have a namesake.

Warning: This is super long.  I could talk about how rad Mae is for days. 

I was terrified to meet my Filipino companion, Sister Alipoyo.  The language was still pretty hard for me, I still screamed my head off when there was a HUGE spider or rat in our room, and I usually wore some make up and shaved my legs.  Basically I was scared they would think I was a baby princess and hate being my companion.

I walked into a room full of missionaries all waiting to see who they would spend the next 6 weeks with.  My fear left me being shy and standing in the corner.  Someone read off the names and this tiny, adorable girl came over and grabbed my hand.  (interlocked fingers and all).  She probably thought it was rude when I laughed, but I got used to her affection.  She has no fear showing people that she loves them.  We had a pretty long ride home that included switching from jeepnie to tricey to bus.  I thought it would be an awkward ride for two strangers to take and the  first thing she said to me as we left the crowd is "I fart a lot and I burp a lot."  Most things she said and did from that point on made me think "Who does that?"  I loved her.  All of my anxiety was gone.

 We're attractive.  We know.

That night as we were lying in our beds, she said "I think I will call you Baby Girl."  Not being able to see her facial expression, I couldn't tell if she was being serious, so I just started laughing.  If she could give me a disgusting nick name, I could one-up and give her a grosser one.   I told her she would be known as "Cupcake" to me.  We always called each other "Sister Decker" and "Sister Alipoyo" outside of our house, but at home we were little creepers.  After she saw that 90% of my mail was addressed to "Enna Decker," she asked why.  I explained that my family and some of my friends just started calling me by my name backwards and I loved it.  She started calling me "Enna Girl" from then on.  I called her by her middle name, Mae, because she like it better than her first name.  We were just the happiest little companionship in the world.  I seriously doubt anyone else loved a companion as much as I did.  We worked our butts off, but we laughed the whole time.  She was brutally honest and I learned to like that, even if it was her telling me I looked fat that day.  (That is very normal for people to say to each other there). 
Crazy Alipoyo
When I got sick, Mae did everything for me.  I honestly don't think I would've been okay if she hadn't been my companion at the time.  I had loved my previous companions, but God just knew I had to be with her during that time.  Nobody else would've stayed up all night with me for weeks, just trying to comfort me.  Neither of us slept more than an hour or two during the time when I was really sick.  But then she would get out of bed early to go make breakfast for me.  Then she would come study on her bed because I couldn't get out of mine.  When I was in terrible pain and just crying, she would dance.  Not just any dance.  She would dance until I was crying from laughter.  I could never explain to anyone how much she did for me during those few weeks I was with her.  I knew it was hard on her to not be able to go work some days or to come home early, but she never complained or made me feel like it was my fault. 

After a few weeks of being in serious pain and no doctor being able to figure out why, President Smith came over to give me a blessing.  After he told me he thought they might have to send me home if nobody could figure it out.  I've never felt so sad in my life.  Not even close.  When I looked over at Mae, she was crying even harder than I was.  We basically just sat there crying and hugging all night. After trying a few more options and doctors, I knew I would have to go home.  We could barely even talk about it and I didn't even know how I would make that horrendous flight home.  But, miracle of miracles, I made it.

The next few months were pretty rough.  I didn't really want to talk to anybody besides Joey and Alipoyo and Annie G.  Mae wrote me multiple times a week.  (ridiculous stickers all up on the envelopes, just the way I liked it).  She would send the most random packages.  One had little candies labled for everyone in my family and my stake president.  Another one had a packet of Catsup from a restaurant over there-very useful.  The highlight of my week was Sunday night (her monday) when she could e-mail me.  It was usually between 1-3 in the morning here, but I couldn't sleep until I got it.  For a while, I couldn't sit up, so I would lie in my bed propped up staring at the lap top.  Yes, you could say that was the low point of my life.  Anti-social, depressed hermit basically described me at the time.  And the contrast from the happiest I've ever been to that was pretty big.  Joey, Mae girl, and Annie G helped me so much.  I look back on that time and wonder why any of them still like me.  I feel like they should hate me, but they are still three of my closest friends.  (CFF=close frenz forever!)

We have kept in touch since then through e-mail, skype, letters, facebook.  Thank you, technology.  We were actually working on her paperwork to get her a visa so she could come live with my family.  She ended up getting engaged pretty quickly to an Elder from our mission.  I never met him, but everyone says he is the most selfless person.  That makes me so happy, because so is she.  They had a baby last week and she is adorable.  And her name?

Shemiah Enna Duno
That's right, kids.  She's named after me.  Not the first name, but everyone is calls her "Baby Enna."  Isn't she adorable?  I am working on a package full of lovely little onsies and girlie bows.  That little girl will be spoiled by her auntie Enna.  I cannot wait to go over there and meet her.

If you're wondering about the first name, she found it in a list of names in Exodus.  They plan to end all of their kids' names with "iah."  Baby boy would've been named Moroniah Mathoni  or something.  So they should all have pretty interesting names. 

I will have a daughter named Mae someday.... in a really long time.

Everyone who read this entire thing deserves a high five.  I'm not even mad if you just looked at the pictures.


Jill said...

I just cried a little bit. This whole thing makes me very happy. :)

Annie G said...

I am going to steal that Mae name. But you should still too and they can be cff and go to the pastry pub together and whoever orders second will have to feel stupid for having the same nane as the first. Cff! Cff! Also... i dont know how you could think that i would not like you after mission intermission. We lived the good life, other than you wanting to die for most of it. It was great.