23 April, 2012

Mae girl & baby Enna

My fave filipino from this rant is finally home and healthy. I had no idea until the day after I wrote that post that she was not doing alright.  Her mom e-mailed me and told me that she and baby Enna almost died. Enna was in the ICU for more than a week and they wouldn't let Mae leave yet either. Her blood pressure was way too high and she was having seizures and had blood coming from her mouth at one point.  (I did not even know that could happen from birth complications).

 I literally think about the Philippines everyday, but never as much as that day. I've never wanted to be there so badly.  I felt so helpless.  She was the person who took care of me like nobody else could and now she was suffering.  It's hard to be in love with people and places so far away.  I was crying all day about it and luckily my sister picked me up and distracted me with food and music for a while.  I knew her husband was taking good care of her, but it didn't help me feel that much better.  My family knows how much I love her and were really supportive.  The only thing we could really do was send money.   The hospital wouldn't let her leave until the bill was paid and there were a lot of unexpected expenses from the complications they had.  I'm kind of poor right now, but I sent what I could and my dad figured out how to wire the money and sent some more with it. (He is a good egg). Once she e-mailed me a few days later and told me they were finally home and safe, I felt so much relief. 

Maybe I needed a reminder of how fragile life is and to appreciate those around me more.  I am really blessed to have wonderful people in my life.  I'm so grateful for all of my companions and for my family.  I'm especially happy to know death is not the end.  If something had happened to either of them, I know I would see them again.  But I am so happy they are still here.  Someday I will visit them.


Dolly said...

Just read your wonderful story about the sweet people from your mission. Normally I try and not comment too much, but tonight I thought you'd enjoy my little story:) There are two elderly sisters from the Philippines in my new ward up here. I'm in RS presidency and knew that these little ladies were fighting. A few weeks ago, they both got into a shouting match during class! Our eyes got big...and we wondered, could this be THE first ever- all out brawl on Sunday in church? Almost. We came this close-before the teacher stepped in. Phew!

Enna said...

hahah that is great. They are the funniest people ever. Thanks dolly! Good to hear from you!