12 January, 2011

covet my apron

2011 sucks
That has been the theme of my year so far... all 12 days.
It is partly a joke, but partly serious.
I thought anything would be an improvement from 2010. Hello hardest year of my life.
But it was also one of the best, so I can't be too mad if 2011 is also hard but excellent.
I am going to blog rant combined with a thankful thursday. both healthy, right?
And since I am a nutrition major, I need to be a healthy healthy girl. :}

I hate running into people I don't want to talk to.
It's always awkward.
Do you have to force a conversation or is it more polite to just stick with a short "hey?"
I prefer "hey." Then I don't feel fake or awkward.
I like new friends, though.

My new favorite biology professor: "I could never be depressed because I poop everyday. I sit there and laugh because I know why I pooped and a lot of people don't know that. I also laugh at the ice sitting in my glass of water...."

I need to learn how to go to bed. I feel like a zombie right now, but I hate naps so I'm avoiding that.

I would say that in the top 5 happiest things of this year is this apron I purchased today. I am beyond excited for my culinary arts class.

I think I will be taking a trip to the Mayo Clinic to be researched soon. (That can go on both lists because I don't like to be researched, but I would love to know what in thee hell my body is doing.)

I only have a year of school left. I have never wanted to be done with school until recently. But I want it baaaddd.

I will be taking 10 credits of chemistry in the summer. eeek.

Winter should probably not exist.

I love getting letters from my comps more than most things. Salamat.

Snake ruins my life sometimes.

I don't like when creepy men stalk my friends. Not at all.

Some short thankfuls:
Zumba, hot tubs, running, Joey and Sofia, rice bags, my fam, pickleball, art, cammy, just dance,

French peanut butter is the best thing. It is like a gingerbread man in the form of PB. Dip some oreos in that. Yep I am still going to eat disgusting amounts of dessert. Sue me.

I am done with my speaking assignments in the home stake. That is nice, but it was good for me. I kind of like speaking now. weird.

SUU events are now free again. Thank you I.D. card.

The Meerkat is a beast in the snow. I don't even fish tail now.

2011 does not suck.

1 comment:

Annie G said...

I like this. 2011... only sucks a little? that could be the new theme?