23 October, 2010

Sappy Saturday...

kind of like thankful thursday, but on saturday. :}

I'm starting a job on Monday!!!! also another reason to be thankful for my health coming back. Stuff it, Beth. I was honestly having the hardest time being positive while thinking about being a jobless hermit in my parents basement for the rest of my life. That would not be ok with me, but I couldn't really do anything about it.

I'm not thankful that Annie Gee is gone, but I'm so happy because she's gonna love it!!And I'm happy she was here while I was a sickly little lame-o. I would have flipped my lid. And I don't even know what that means.

My little sibs. Sof Kat and Joe dawg are the best friends in the world. What would I do without them?

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